Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Dearest Kitty ... (Part Six)

Dear Cat:

• Your design skills in the bathroom are still in question. Please Note: The bathroom is not a Putt-Putt Mini Golf Course. Flying objects are called birds and airplanes… not anything off the counter or shelves.

• OKAY FINE! I get it… I let it get a little warm in the place. The fainting spells from your ‘lack of napping’ are getting old! I turned the A/C back on for now. (yet you normally sleep under a blanket, hmmm)

• Oh? Big Cat Diaries is your favorite show… I know! You stare at the TV in a creepy way especially when the Cheetah makes a kill. Umm, do not get any ideas! Oh and the expression on your furry face when the Cheetah was in the middle of 40 baboons… PRICELESS! Your favorite puddytat ran as fast as she could to escape!

• Also… half of your toys have been ‘repossessed ‘ until you learn to stop leaving ‘presents’ on the carpet for at least 2 weeks. Hint: If you can open a 100 year old dresser drawer you can have them back.

• I would like to remind you that the bug on the ‘other side of the window’ is not attacking you. I am running low on Windex from paw and nose prints.

• Again… I appreciate you finally learning your names… Here! KITTY KITTY KITTY. Saves me some time in remembering what I actually named you.

Your fearless leader,

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