Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What exactly IS the Farmers Almanac?

So often, after moving here from Florida, I always hear people talking about the "Farmer's Almanac" and the prediction for the winter we are going to have. I never really knew what they were talking about and haven't given it much thought. But after this SCORCHING summer we've had, I decided to google it. I wanted to see what the prediction for winter was from this "famous" Farmers Almanac.

What I found out is that the predictions will not be released until the end of August. HUH? I thought the Farmers Almanac was written LONG ago by some old wise man? Goes to show how much I know. It's written annually by just a normal guy. How does he know what the winter is supposed to be like any better than the meteorologists on the local news? And why does everyone give him so much credit? (If you could only see the confused look on my face right now?)

Wikipedia says ... The Farmers’ Almanac publishers are highly secretive about the method used to make its predictions, only stating publicly that it is a "top secret mathematical and astronomical formula, that relies on sunspot activity, tidal action, planetary position and many other factors." They also said that independent studies have shown that their predictions are no more accurate than just chance.

I guess we will re-visit this again in a couple of weeks and see what the prediction is but let's hope that after the ridiculously hot summer we have had, that we will be blessed with a long and beautiful fall and a very mild winter. One can dream right?

Until next time,
Melody :)

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