Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Who Knew 3D Would Be So Fun!

On a recent outing to dinner and a movie with a group of friends we opted to take the full moving goers experience. We saw Thor in 3D. It was such a great time. There were parts of the movie that it seemed like it was snowing right in the movie theater. It was so awesome. I actually had no clue what the movie was going to be about. It ended up being a good "comic book" movie.

Now this wasn't my first 3D movie. I believe my first would have to be Final Destination 3 in 3D. That was a hilarious movie, since the special effects are so overdone. Within the first 30 seconds of the movie I spilled my drink on the floor. I was at AMC Main Street, in downtown Kansas City, and the seats even vibrated. This was also the first time I had ever been to the newly renovated theater. From the seats vibrating at just the right time and the roller coasters and explosions coming right out of the screen, it was worth the price of admission.

Everytime I go see a movie now, I always look for the 3D option. For the extra few bucks it make the whole experience a great time. So, the next time you are debating a movie night, check out your 3D option too!

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