Monday, November 21, 2011

Pinterest- the best way to waste time!

Please tell me you have heard about Pinterest? You haven’t?!! Well, let me just tell you, this is the new wave of wasting time! It really is a very useful website, so don’t let me make it seem like I am putting it down by any means. But if you aren’t careful, you could lose a whole afternoon immersed in this thing.
This website is the idea giver, I like to say. Anything from fashion to recipes to DIY projects to music; millions of ideas!  The best way to explain it is for example you are on Paula Deen’s website and you see the absolute best recipe for wonton soup, you can save and share this with the rest of the Pinterest world by “pinning it” to your Pinterest bulletin board! A picture of the wonton soup will show up and you can put a short description of what it is and bam! That recipe is saved and shared with the world! Next time you want to get to that recipe, you find the picture, click on it and you will be taken back to Paula Deen’s website!
Ok, ok I might not be doing a very good job at explaining this AMAZING creation that is called Pinterest. You might just have to check it out for yourself!
You will first get a preview into the website, you won’t be able to “pin” anything but at least it will show you what you are about to get into! Or if you want to go to the real explanations of Pinterest:
The one odd thing about Pinterest is that you have to be “invited” to join. I’m not sure why just yet but either way if you would like an invitation to this great creation feel free to email me at with your email address and I would love to get you addicted too!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Adopt A Family

It’s that time of the year when we all get to feel warm and fuzzy about helping out the less fortunate. We have adopted two families for the holidays and now is your chance to help change their lives! Our first family is a single man and a single mom with 3 daughters is our second family. Both families were homeless in the last year and we want to make this a holiday for them to remember. There is a wish list and sign-up sheet in the office (or listed below) OR you can bring in a monetary donation and we will do the shopping for you! All gifts need to be new and unwrapped. Please let us know if you have any questions and thanks for caring!

Wish list for family #1:
Ron (48)
-         Asked for: Cologne, Tennis shoes size 10 ½
-         Favorite colors: white and blue

Gift card ideas: Grocery store, Target, Macy’s, monetary donation

Wish list for family #2:
Ronda (43)
-         Favorite colors: orange, navy, white, black, pink, brown
-         Favorite sports: NFL, N.E. Patriots, Texas Longhorns
-         Hobbies: wedding cake creations, catering, cooking
-         Asked for: Jewelry, Slippers size 7
Kristen (21)
-         Favorite colors: red, pink, black
-         Favorite character: Tweety bird
-         Hobbies: Hairstyling (cosmetology student)
-         Asked for: Pink perfume/lotion
Tiffani (19)
-         Favorite colors: blue, yellow, black, white, red
-         Favorite characters: Woodstock, Eeyore, Kimora Lee Simmons
-         Hobbies: drawing, painting (oil, acrylic), reading, sewing, fashion design
Synai (13)
-         Favorite colors: blue, green, purple, neon colors
-         Favorite characters: Sponge Bob, Taylor Lautner, Jaden Smith
-         Hobbies: dance, fencing, swimming, comedy, shopping
-         Asked for: Jacket size medium

Gift card ideas: Grocery store, Target, Macy’s, Charlotte Russe, monetary donation

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Dearest Kitty.....(Part Nine)

Dear Cat,
· When I clean out the fish tank and put them in the bathtub to clean off your paw prints… it is not a buffet of fish, please see kibble in dish on floor!
· Thanks again for not making random stains lately on the carpet… I guess the food change was a success!

· We need to discuss personal space again… it is MY BED! Please see 2nd bedroom, couch, loveseat, floor random chair or bathroom sink. Thanks.
· I hate to bring this up again… but if there is a shiny spot at the center of the food dish? This is not a life crisis or the end of the world is near. (you will live) It takes me over 12 hours to eat one breakfast sandwich and yet you can snarf down 2lbs. of kibble in a day?
· Oh and thanks for leaving paw prints on the toilet seat… I know where those paws have been!
· I bought 50lbs of cat litter today. (was on sale 99 cents for a 10lb bag) I think you are good for at least 6 weeks and no longer need to wash your paws.
· One last thing… what is up with falling asleep in the middle of the hallway? Biting me because I step on your tail is getting old and I can bite back. However, I already have dental floss and cat hair just is not the same.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Restaurant Rantings

Happy fall everyone! Here goes my first post being the newest member to
the Fogelman Management Group. I have recently transitioned from the
restaurant industry and can say after ten years of dealing with everything
from a-z that I am happy to start something new! However, I still have
compassion for those in the industry. So lets discuss a little etiquette
about a meal out. 
Lets start with the parents. Now you would think this would be a widely
known thing when going out to eat with children but let me tell you, it
isn?t. WATCH YOUR KIDS! As hard as this may sound, just do it. There is
nothing worse than walking around with a full tray of drinks or food
(possibly YOUR meal) and a kid running across your path, then what happens
but you lose everything on that tray! Also, we understand kids are
messy- let me rephrase that, EXTREMELY messy! We know! Most servers
have kids too! But please, if they have to do construction to pick up
after your kids, you better make sure you compensate them. 
Don?t get me wrong; I know that having children is hard work! But they
aren?t getting paid to baby sit and clean house! They are there to give
you the best FOOD and DRINK service possible. 

Another point of etiquette would be respect. The ?server? is defined as
someone or something that provides a service or a commodity. This does not
by any means mean they are your lesser half, pee-on, no good servant. A
servant is not what they are, they are there to provide you with their
help and deserve respect. A rude customer will get nowhere if they have no
reason to be rude in the first place. That looks bad on you as a customer
and might even provide you with worse service than you should get.
Remember the saying ?don?t bite the hand that feeds?? All I?m saying is
that you should really think about how you treat the people who handle
your food. 

Have you ever heard of the verbal tip? These people are the type that will
let their server know over and over how great they are and how amazing
everything was during their time at the restaurant but then what happens?.
A not-so-special cash tip is left. How unfair is that? By you verbally
rewarding a server over and over again, this does not excuse you from
leaving a good tip. If anything, it?s misleading!

The other type of customer you do not want to be is the ?five finger
discount? customer. This is the type of person who is looking for ANYTHING
to get them a freebie. The absolute worst is when a customer eats the
entire meal and then proceeds to say everything was awful. Really? These
people should probably just stay home.

Just a few things to keep in mind while going out to eat!

This was fun! We?ll do it again soon!
Until next time, Your newest member to the staff
-Leshia Ogilvie